Orthopaedic implants have increasingly contributed to the success and longevity of surgical procedures. However, implant technology comes at a price contributing to rising health care costs.
A modern trauma hospital uses 100+ implant kits, some of which consist of 50-100 parts. The existing manual protocol is complex, error prone, causes delay during operations and brings complication risks for the patients. Wasted time in the operating theatre affects procedure cost, throughput, and staff morale.
Implant manufacturers try approach the issue by using traditional solutions like RFID or barcodes. These solutions are manufacturer specific and do not solve the central problem because they only work for implants that are unpacked directly in the operating theatre, which accounts for only a very small percentage of implants. It does not work for trays, which are already sterilised (100+ trays per hospital), where surgeon picks the parts during the operation.
Nnova offer a periorative solution with a 3D recognition device, bringing digital supply chain technology directly into the operating theatre which reduces costs and improves operational efficiencies – an AI based automated documentation system to replace manual documentation of implants used during surgical operations — for patient records and re-ordering.
It saves 5-30 min per operation, or 3000 EUR per day per hospital. Our solution is manufacturer-agnostic; it works for all implants deployed at any particular hospital.